A downloadable game for Windows

Requires a leap motion controller to play!

A small game made for the leap motion controller. All you need to do is press the buttons on the cube in the right order.


Grab cubes with your hand. You can rotate them by using your grabbing or by using the transform handles to rotate them along an axis.

Push buttons with your hand (the game may have issues tracking so if it does get stuck bringing your hand out of tracking range and back in or using multiple fingers).

Turn your hand towards you to open the menu up. I couldn't put labels on them so they are in the image below.

Music was created by Jade Schwab and the sound effects by Rosie Mcclelland for another project we worked on, Piplets! Check it out if you got time,  it's a more fleshed out game than this one :)

Permission was granted for use of music and sound for this project.

Thanks for taking a look at this game!


Cubez-Build-v1.zip 23 MB

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